Monday, 15 October 2012

And So, the Mystery Continues

I ran. I took my bag and ran for it. Little hope to escape but maybe I can slow It down somehow, maybe if I can run far and fast enough THE HUNGERING will have to move to catch up. Just to slow down my inevitable demise. Maybe I can avert these plans S spoke of, I don't trust him, that doesn't mean I don't believe him, if THE HUNGERING does have plans as he said, then odds are they're not good, if there's a chance to stop them, then maybe I can go out of this world in some heroic fashion like an idiot.

I wasn't on the road 5 minutes before he appeared again. The Hooded Stalker Freak. I was running down the street when he collided with me, slamming me into a wall. I slumped down and he punched me square in the nose and blood immediately began pumping from it. I managed to scramble to my feet, swinging my bag at his head, it wasn't particularly hard but I managed to gather enough force to daze him for a moment. I sprinted down the path, as fast as my legs could carry me, grabbing a shirt from my bag as I ran and pushed it to my nose. But he was faster. He tackled me and I skid across the ground, scraping myself in multiple locations. I rolled over and started kicking and punching and flailing out at my attacker while he struck me several times in my chest and stomach. A kick landed in his face, sending him back upright, his hood falling back...

His face was just the sort of creepy shit I was expecting. His eyes were cut and ripped open, his cheeks mangled and burnt, and his mouth was stitched shut. His hair was scraggled and shockingly white. He gazed at my look of shock and horror with an expression that could be described as a smile at a stretch. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a long knife. I backed away, still on my back, as he walked calmly towards me.

Then things got creepier. My ears were filled with a screeching sound, like a broken radio, my vision was blurred over, segments of my eyesight blurring and spreading and shrinking across my field of vision. A twig snapped in a nearby lightly wooded area, somehow resounding over the piercing screech. A faceless visage gazed out of the trees.

- Slenderman - Pain - Blood - Trees - Running - FATHER - Thud!

I awoke in a ditch, covered in mud and blood, most, if not all, of the blood my own, a large wound ran down the side of my stomach, stitched up. My bag lay a small way away. I rose, retrieved it, and wandered from the scene. I bought a room at a nearby motel, the guy who gave me the key didn't give me a second glance, I just gave him some of my parents' money and he gave me the key, not questioning my age or why I was covered in blood. I guess being forgotten has its advantages. I "re-raveled" the short story to avoid time-lapsing and went to sleep. Whatever happened, a lot happened, and I was still exhausted.

No answers, more questions. Oh, joy.


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